root resection


 [re-sek´shun] removal, as of an organ, by cutting; called also excision.gastric resection gastrectomy.root resection (root-end resection) apicoectomy.transurethral resection of the prostate (transurethral prostatic resection) see transurethral resection of the prostate.wedge resection removal of a triangular mass of tissue.


(ap'i-kō-ek'tō-mē), Surgical removal of a tooth root apex. Synonym(s): root resection [apico- + G. ektomē, tooth excision]


(ap'i-kō-ek'tŏ-mē) Surgical removal of a dental root apex.
Synonym(s): root resection.
[apico- + G. ektomē, tooth excision]


(ap'i-kō-ek'tŏ-mē) Surgical removal of a tooth root apex.
Synonym(s): root resection.
[apico- + G. ektomē, tooth excision]