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DictionarySeerapheEncyclopediaSeenucleusraphe nuclei
ra·phe nu·cle·i [TA] collective term denoting a variety of nerve cell groups in and along the median plane of the medulla oblongata [nucleus raphes obscurus [TA] (obscure raphe nucleus [TA]), nucleus raphes pallidus [TA] (pallidal raphe nucleus [TA]), and caudal portions of the nucleus raphes magnus [TA] (magnus raphe nucleus [TA])]; of the pons [rostral portions of the nucleus raphes magnus [TA] (magnus raphe nucleus [TA]), nucleus raphes pontis [TA] (pontine raphe nucleus [TA]), nucleus raphes medianus [TA] (median raphe nucleus [TA] or superior central nucleus [TAalt]), and caudal portions of the nucleus raphes posterior [TA] (posterior raphe nucleus [TA]) or dorsal raphe nucleus [TAalt])]; and of the mesencephalon [rostral portions of the nucleus raphe posterior [TA] (posterior raphe nucleus [TA]), nucleus linearis inferioris [TA] (inferior linear nucleus [TA]), nucleus linearis intermedius [TA] (intermediate linear nucleus [TA]), and nucleus linearis superior [TA] (superior linear nucleus [TA])]. These nuclei include neurons characterized by their containing the indolamine transmitter agent serotonin; their serotonin-carrying axons extend rostrally to the hypothalamus, septum, hippocampus, and cingulate gyrus and include projections to brainstem, cerebellum, and spinal cord. Synonym(s): nuclei raphes [TA]ra·phe nu·cle·i (rā'fē nū'klē-ī) [TA] Collective term denoting a variety of unpaired nerve cell groups in and along the median plane of the mesencephalic and rhombencephalic tegmentum: the nucleus centralis tegmenti superior, nucleus raphes dorsalis, nucleus raphes pontis, nucleus raphes magnus, nucleus raphes pallidus, and nucleus raphes obscurus. These nuclei include neurons characterized by their containing the neurotransmitter serotonin; their serotonin-carrying axons extend rostrally to the hypothalamus, septum, hippocampus, and cingulate gyrus and include projections to the brainstem, cerebellum, and spinal cord. |