
enUK Related to unaneled: unhouseled


U0022200 (ŭn′ə-nēld′)adj. Archaic Not having received extreme unction.
[un- + aneled, past participle of anele, to anoint, administer extreme unction (from Middle English anelen : an-, on from Old English on-; see on + elen, to anoint, from ele, oil, from Old English, from Latin oleum; see oil).]


(ˌʌnəˈniːld) adj (Theology) archaic not having received extreme unction[C17: from un-1 + anele]


(ˌʌn əˈnild)

adj. Archaic. not having received extreme unction. [1595–1605; un-1 + aneled, past participle of anele to administer extreme unction to, anoint]