
ne·o·na·tal tet·a·ny

hypocalcemic tetany occurring in neonates or young infants, due to transient functional hypoparathyroidism in consumption of cow's milk (high phosphorus content). Synonym(s): myotonia neonatorum, tetanism

ne·o·na·tal tet·a·ny

(nē'ō-nā'tăl tet'ă-nē) Hypocalcemic tetany occurring in neonates or young infants, due to transient functional hypoparathyroidism in consumption of cow's milk (high phosphorus content).
Synonym(s): tetanism.


(tĕt′ă-nĭzm) [″ + -ismos, condition] Persistent muscular hypertonicity resembling tetanus, esp. in infants.