Acronym | Definition |
SRM➣Solid-propellant Rocket Motor |
SRM➣Supplier Relationship Management |
SRM➣Standard Reference Material |
SRM➣Service Repair Manual |
SRM➣Site Recovery Manager |
SRM➣Switched Reluctance Motor |
SRM➣Standard Reference Method |
SRM➣Single Resolution Mechanism (banking; EU) |
SRM➣Switched Reluctance Machine |
SRM➣Storage Resource Management |
SRM➣Structural Repair Manual |
SRM➣Solid Rocket Motor |
SRM➣Structural Risk Minimization |
SRM➣Single Round Match (scheduler) |
SRM➣Short Range Missile |
SRM➣Specified Risk Material |
SRM➣Safety Risk Management (various organizations) |
SRM➣Social Relationship Management (software) |
SRM➣Society for Range Management (professional scientific society & conservation organization for rangeland established in 1948) |
SRM➣Security Risk Management |
SRM➣Standardized Response Mean |
SRM➣Service Request Management |
SRM➣Small Renal Mass (urology) |
SRM➣Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization (US DoD; replaces term real property maintenance, RPM) |
SRM➣Service Resource Module |
SRM➣Support and Retention Module |
SRM➣Safety and Risk Management |
SRM➣Surroundings Repair Method |
SRM➣System Resource Manager |
SRM➣System Renewability Message |
SRM➣System Reference Model |
SRM➣Storage Resource Manager |
SRM➣Steam Reforming of Methanol |
SRM➣Strategic Risk Management (various organizations) |
SRM➣Software Risk Management |
SRM➣Strategic Relationship Manager |
SRM➣Selected Reaction Monitoring (mass spectrometry) |
SRM➣Seattle Reproductive Medicine (Seattle, WA) |
SRM➣Southeastern Railway Museum (Duluth, Georgia, USA) |
SRM➣Secondary Raw Material |
SRM➣Speech Recognition Module (voice recognition software) |
SRM➣Scalable Reliable Multicast |
SRM➣Spatial Reference Model |
SRM➣Slip Ring Motor |
SRM➣Service Component Reference Model (US Federal Enterprise Architecture) |
SRM➣Service Resource Module (Cisco) |
SRM➣Software Reliability Modeling |
SRM➣System Renewability Message (digital content protection) |
SRM➣Software Release Management |
SRM➣Software Rights Management (publishing protection) |
SRM➣State Run Media |
SRM➣Solar Radiation Management (geoengineering) |
SRM➣Solaris Resource Manager |
SRM➣Short-Range Modem |
SRM➣Security Reference Monitor |
SRM➣Socialist Republic of Macedonia (now Republic of Macedonia) |
SRM➣Service Resource Management |
SRM➣Schoberer Rad Messtechnik (sports training and technology company, Germany) |
SRM➣Survey Research Method |
SRM➣Service Reference Model |
SRM➣Spiritual Regeneration Movement |
SRM➣Secure Remote Management (software) |
SRM➣Sterling Regional MedCenter (Sterling, CO) |
SRM➣Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes (pregnancy) |
SRM➣Student Recruitment Manager (TargetX) |
SRM➣Seated Row Machine (strength training) |
SRM➣Site Resource Management |
SRM➣Selective Receptor Modulator (pharmacology) |
SRM➣Service Relationship Management |
SRM➣Square Root Measurement |
SRM➣System Reference Manual |
SRM➣Script Running Machine |
SRM➣Summary Review Memorandum (various organizations) |
SRM➣Sid Richardson Museum (Fort Worth, TX) |
SRM➣System Resources Manager |
SRM➣Sound Resource Management |
SRM➣Surface Response Method |
SRM➣Subscriber Relationship Management |
SRM➣Server Resource Map |
SRM➣Safety Reliability Methods (consulting firm) |
SRM➣Stephenson Railway Museum (est. 1986; UK) |
SRM➣Synchronous Reluctance Motor |
SRM➣Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) |
SRM➣Sustainment Restoration Modernization |
SRM➣Union of Romanies of Macedonia (The Former Yugolsav Republic of Macedonia) |
SRM➣Single Router Mode (Cisco) |
SRM➣Science and Religion in Media |
SRM➣Silver River Museum (Florida) |
SRM➣Société de Récupération Mouzillonnaise (French recovery company) |
SRM➣Synergy Revenue Management (Atlanta, GA) |
SRM➣Stimuli-Responsive Material (solar energy) |
SRM➣Stretch Reducing Mill |
SRM➣Storage & Retrieval Machine |
SRM➣Service Redundancy Module |
SRM➣System Resource Module (Nortel) |
SRM➣Student Role Model |
SRM➣Solid Rock Ministries |
SRM➣Service Request Message (FIPS) |
SRM➣Software Reliability Model |
SRM➣Solvent Resource Management Limited (UK) |
SRM➣Short Range Marksmanship |
SRM➣Special Resource Management |
SRM➣Signaling Route Management (CCS #7 & ITU-T) |
SRM➣Secure Rack Modem (Western Telematic, Inc.) |
SRM➣Safety, Reliability and Maintainability |
SRM➣Service Responsibility Matrix (project management) |
SRM➣Square Root Method |
SRM➣Subretinal Membrane |
SRM➣SINCGARS Radio Model |
SRM➣Stack Reference Model |
SRM➣Schedule Result Message (NASA) |
SRM➣Standards Related Matters |
SRM➣Systems Resources Management, Inc |
SRM➣Spime Retrofit Module |
SRM➣Scan Rate Modulation |
SRM➣Systems Review Manager |
SRM➣Single Routing Module (Cisco) |
SRM➣Still Runnin Magazine (Mechanicsville, VA) |
SRM➣Special Recognition Memory |
SRM➣Set-up Request Message (ITI) |
SRM➣Sri Ramakrishna Memorial |
SRM➣Sub-Rate Multiplex (Sprint) |
SRM➣Span-Restorable Mesh |
SRM➣Subtracted Reed-Muller (code) |
SRM➣Self-Reinforcing Mechanism |
SRM➣Saginaw Rescue Mission (Saginaw, Michigan) |