trigeminal cave

tri·gem·i·nal cave

[TA] the cleft in the meningeal layer of dura of the middle cranial fossa near the tip of the petrous part of the temporal bone; it encloses the roots of the trigeminal nerve and the trigeminal ganglion. Synonym(s): cavum trigeminale [TA], trigeminal cavity ☆ , Meckel cavity, Meckel space

trigeminal cave

An evagination of the cerebellar tentorium near the apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone, which is formed from two layers of the dura mater and contains CSF. It follows the fifth nerve and envelops the proximal end of the trigeminal ganglion.
Dural boundaries:
• Superolateral—Cerebellar tentorium;
• Superomedial—Lateral wall of the cavernous sinus;
• Medial—Clivus;
• Inferolateral—Posterior petrous face of temporal bone.

tri·gem·i·nal cave

(trī-jem'i-năl kāv) [TA] The cleft in the meningeal layer of dura of the middle cranial fossa near the tip of the petrous part of the temporal bone; it encloses the roots of the trigeminal nerve and the trigeminal ganglion.


Johann Friedrich, the elder, German anatomist and obstetrician, 1714-1774. Meckel band - the portion of the anterior ligament of the malleus that extends from the base of the anterior process through the petrotympanic fissure, to attach to the spine of the sphenoid. Synonym(s): Meckel ligamentMeckel caveMeckel cavity - Synonym(s): Meckel spaceMeckel ganglion - a small parasympathetic ganglion in the upper part of the pterygopalatine fossa. Synonym(s): pterygopalatine ganglionMeckel ligament - Synonym(s): Meckel bandMeckel space - the cleft in the meningeal layer of dura of the middle cranial fossa that encloses the roots of the trigeminal nerve and the trigeminal ganglion. Synonym(s): Meckel cavity; trigeminal caveMeckel sphenopalatine ganglionectomy


Johann Friedrich, the younger, German anatomist and embryologist, 1781-1833. Meckel cartilage - a temporary supporting structure in the embryonic mandible. Synonym(s): mandibular cartilageMeckel diverticulum - the remains of the yolk stalk of the embryo.Meckel-Gruber syndrome - a malformation syndrome. Synonym(s): dysencephalia splanchnocystica; Meckel syndromeMeckel plane - a craniometric plane cutting the alveolar and the auricular points.Meckel scan - use of technetium-99m pertechnetate in a scan of the gastric mucosa to detect ectopic gastric mucosa in Meckel diverticulum.Meckel syndrome - Synonym(s): Meckel-Gruber syndrome