Pastia sign

Pas·ti·a sign

(pahs'tē-ah), the presence of pink or red transverse lines at the bend of the elbow in the preeruptive stage of scarlatina; they persist through the eruptive stage and remain as pigmented lines after desquamation. Synonym(s): Thomson sign

Pastia sign

Infectious disease Hemorrhagic transverse lines at bend of elbow, wrist, or inguinal region, which persists after desquamation, caused by scarlet fever. See Scarlet fever.

Pas·ti·a sign

(pahs'tē-ah sīn) The presence of pink or red transverse lines at the bend of the elbow in the preeruptive stage of scarlatina; they persist through the eruptive stage and remain as pigmented lines after desquamation.
Synonym(s): Thomson sign.


Constantin Chessec, Romanian physician, 1883-1926. Pastia linesPastia sign - the presence of pink or red transverse lines at the bend of the elbow in the preeruptive stage of scarlatina. Synonym(s): Thomson sign

Pas·ti·a sign

(pahs'tē-ah sīn) Presence of pink or red transverse lines at the bend of the elbow in the preeruptive stage of scarlatina.