释义 |
Pastia sign Pas·ti·a sign (pahs'tē-ah), the presence of pink or red transverse lines at the bend of the elbow in the preeruptive stage of scarlatina; they persist through the eruptive stage and remain as pigmented lines after desquamation. Synonym(s): Thomson signPastia sign Infectious disease Hemorrhagic transverse lines at bend of elbow, wrist, or inguinal region, which persists after desquamation, caused by scarlet fever. See Scarlet fever. Pas·ti·a sign (pahs'tē-ah sīn) The presence of pink or red transverse lines at the bend of the elbow in the preeruptive stage of scarlatina; they persist through the eruptive stage and remain as pigmented lines after desquamation. Synonym(s): Thomson sign. Pastia, Constantin Chessec, Romanian physician, 1883-1926. Pastia linesPastia sign - the presence of pink or red transverse lines at the bend of the elbow in the preeruptive stage of scarlatina. Synonym(s): Thomson signPas·ti·a sign (pahs'tē-ah sīn) Presence of pink or red transverse lines at the bend of the elbow in the preeruptive stage of scarlatina. |