(storage, product)For most users, a 1MB cache is sufficient. Devoting morememory to the cache offers diminishing returns, since theadditional cache hits become fewer (and the extra memory couldbe better used to reduce swapping).
Typing SMARTDRV /S at a DOS prompt shows the cache size, ahit-and-miss report, and information about which drives arebeing cached. The hit-and-miss statistics are crucial forgauging the effectiveness of SmartDrive settings. A score inthe high 80s shows that SmartDrive is well configured. RunSMARTDRV /S several times during a Windows session and notethe-hit-and-miss figures each time. If your percentageusually falls below 80 percent, you should consider increasingthe cache size. You can edit the SMARTDRV line in yourAUTOEXEC.BAT file to increase both the InitCacheSize and theWinCacheSize parameters.
SmartDrive Monitor is an undocumented Windows program thatcomes with DOS 6.0 for logging and controling the cache.
(1) (smartdrive computing) See U3.(2) A disk cache program that came with DOS and Windows. In DOS 4.0 and Windows 3.0, the name of the driver file was SMARTDRV.SYS. Starting with DOS 5 and Windows 3.1, the name was SMARTDRV.EXE. See SMART HDD.