释义 |
-pathysuff.1. Feeling; suffering; perception: telepathy.2. a. Disease: neuropathy.b. A system of treating disease: homeopathy. [Greek -patheia, from pathos; see kwent(h)- in Indo-European roots.]-pathy n combining form 1. indicating feeling, sensitivity, or perception: telepathy. 2. (Pathology) indicating disease or a morbid condition: psychopathy. 3. (Pathology) indicating a method of treating disease: osteopathy. [from Greek patheia suffering; see pathos] -pathic adj combining form-pathy a combining form meaning “feeling” (antipathy; sympathy), “suffering,” “disease” (cardiopathy; psychopathy), “system or method of treating a disease” (homeopathy; osteopathy). [< Greek -patheia, n. derivative of -pathēs suffering from (the thing specified), adj. derivative of páthos suffering] -pathy
-pathy word element [Gr.], morbid condition or disease; generally used to designate a noninflammatory condition.path- , -pathypatho-pathicDisease. [G. pathos, feeling, suffering, disease] path- , -pathy , patho- , -pathicCombining forms meaning disease. [G. pathos, feeling, suffering, disease]-pathy Suffix denoting perception, feeling or suffering. |