

单词 smi
释义 DictionarySeeCIM



Structure of Management Information


(1) (Storage Management Initiative) The initiative developed by the SNIA in 2003 to create a single standard interface for storage management technologies used by multiple vendors and networking communities. The SMI is based on WBEM architecture and the Common Information Model (CIM), and it is pioneered by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). See WBEM and CIM.

(2) (Simple Mail Interface) A subset of functions within the VIM messaging protocol used by applications to send email and attachments.

(3) (Structure of Management Information) A definition for creating MIBs in the SNMP protocol.

(4) (System Management Interrupt) A hardware interrupt in Intel SL Enhanced 486 and Pentium CPUs used for power management. This interrupt is also used for virus checking.



Abbreviation for:
severe mental illness
severe mental impairment 
silent myocardial infarction
silent myocardial ischaemia
Spanish medical Interpreter
sperm motility index


SMIStructure of Management Information
SMISalario Minimo Interprofesional (Spanish: Interprofessional Minimum Wage)
SMISwiss Market Index (trademark of SWX Swiss Exchange)
SMISerious Mental Illness
SMIStorage Management Initiative (HP)
SMISpeedway Motorsports, Inc.
SMISun Microsystems, Inc.
SMISchool of Management and Innovation (Berlin, Germany)
SMIState Median Income
SMISlow-Moving Inventory
SMISiemens Medical Instruments (Singapore)
SMISupplementary Medical Insurance
SMIStudent Medical Insurance
SMISports Media, Inc. (est. 1991)
SMISecretary Management Institute (various locations)
SMISustainable Minerals Institute (Brisbane, Australia)
SMISystem Management Interrupt
SMISuzuki Maruti India
SMISpecial Message Identifier
SMISystems and Materials for Information Storage
SMIStandard Multilayer Image
SMIShared Multidimensional Information
SMIStorage Management Interface
SMISequelink Middleware Interface
SMISynchronized Multimedia Integration
SMIState Management Interface
SMIStorage Management Initiative
SMISingle Mode Fiber Intermediate Range
SMIScientology Missions International
SMIStrategic Management and Innovation (various locations)
SMIStandard Multilayer Image (Cisco)
SMISuccess Motivation International (Waco, TX)
SMIShape Modeling International (International Conference)
SMISonitus Medical, Inc. (San Mateo, CA)
SMISite of Metropolitan Importance (UK)
SMIStandard Multilayer Software Image (Cisco)
SMIStock Market Indicator
SMISeverely Mentally Ill
SMISystème de Management Intégré (French: Integrated Management System)
SMISociété Moderne d'Isolation (French: Modern Insulation Company; est. 1985)
SMISupplemental Medical Insurance (US Medicare Part B)
SMIService Management International (UK)
SMISupplier Managed Inventory (supply chain management)
SMISystem Management Interrupts
SMISymbolic Music Information (computer programming)
SMISystem Monitoring Interface
SMIStanford Medical Informatics
SMISpace Micro, Inc. (San Diego, CA)
SMISagem Morpho, Inc. (biometric readers)
SMIStrategic Marketplace Initiative (healthcare consortium)
SMIState Metal Industries (Camden, NJ)
SMISafety Management Institute (various organizations)
SMISociety for Molecular Imaging (Kerrville, TX)
SMISafe Motherhood Initiative
SMISales & Marketing Institute
SMISurface Minimum d'Installation (French: Minimum Installation Area; farming)
SMISeverely Mentally Impaired
SMISecret of Monkey Island
SMIScience Math Initiative (California)
SMISiemens Microelectronics, Inc. (Cupertino, CA)
SMISingle Mode Intermediate (Cisco)
SMISample Matrix Inversion
SMISpring Manufacturers Institute
SMISchool Meals Initiative for Healthy Children (USDA)
SMIStructure Model Index (bone mass)
SMISerial Management Interface
SMISt Michael's Institution (Malaysia)
SMIShared Memory Interface
SMISisters of Mary Immaculate (religious order)
SMISpecialty Manufacturing Inc (San Diego, CA)
SMISecurity Management Infrastructure
SMISolutions pour Maisons Intelligentes (French: Solutions for Intelligent Homes)
SMISoldier/Machine Interface
SMIService Médical International (French: International Medical Service; est. 1983)
SMISenior Military Instructor (Army ROTC)
SMIStructured Materials Industries, Inc.
SMISwiss Meteorological Institute
SMISpecialty Motions, Inc (Corona, CA)
SMISmart Metering Initiative (Canada)
SMISeparation Minima Infringement (aircraft)
SMISamos Island, Greece (Airport Code)
SMISmall Medium Industry
SMISoil Moisture Index
SMIScientific Monitoring, Inc. (Scottsdale, AZ)
SMIStrategic Management Institute (Stockholm, Sweden)
SMIStrategic Modernization Initiative
SMISupply Management Inspection
SMISecurity Management Information
SMISmart Metering Infrastructure (Australia)
SMISouthern Military Institute
SMISilent Myocardial Infarction
SMISystems and Methods Inc (Georgia)
SMISmart Money Index
SMIStatistical Mechanical Informatics
SMISean Murphy Induction (Huntington Beach, CA manufacturer of custom built carburetors for automotive applications)
SMISubsystem Multiplicity Indicator (SS7 SCCP)
SMISenior Marine Instructor (USMC JROTC)
SMIService Management Interface
SMISergeant Major Instructor
SMISaturday Morning Inspection
SMISolutions de Marquage Industriel (French: Industrial Marking Solutions)
SMISudden Money Institute
SMISphincter Mechanism Incompetence
SMIService Médical Interentreprises (French: Business to Business Medical Service)
SMISperry Marine Inc.
SMIStructured Management Information
SMISaint Michael's Institute (New York, NY)
SMIStructural Mode Interaction
SMIStrings Music Import (France)
SMISociété Mutualiste Interprofessionnelle (French: Mutual Interprofessional Company)
SMIStarch Medical Inc (San Jose, CA manufacturer of surgical hemostasis products)
SMISecrétaires de Mairie Instituteurs (French: Town Clerk Teachers)
SMISimple Matrix Inversion
SMISports Management International LLC
SMISending Module ID
SMISample Matrix Inverter
SMISaint Matthew Island (Alaska)
SMISur-Mesure Industriel (French: On-Industrial Measurement; consulting firm; est. 1991)
SMISide Mount Intercooler (automotive turbo systems)
SMISociété Méditerranéenne d'Informatique (French: Mediterranean Computer Company; est. 1983)
SMISurface Measuring Instrument
SMIShip Modification Instruction
SMISelf-Mounting floppy disk Image (Mac OS File Extension)
SMIShip Manpower Information
SMISherwood Manufacturing, Inc. (Longmont, CO)




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