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DictionarySeevaricella-zoster virusVaricellovirus
Varicellovirus [var″ĭ-sel´o-vi″rus] a genus of herpesviruses that infects both humans and animals; the most common species affecting humans is human herpesvirus 3, which causes chickenpox and herpes zoster.var·i·cel·la-·zos·ter vi·rusa herpesvirus, morphologically identical to herpes simplex virus, that causes varicella (chickenpox) and herpes zoster in man; varicella results from a primary infection with the virus; herpes zoster results from secondary invasion by the same virus or by reactivation of infection which in many instances has been latent for many years. Synonym(s): chickenpox virus, herpes zoster virus, human herpesvirus 3, Varicellovirusvar·i·cel·la-zos·ter vi·rus (var'i-sel'ă-zos'tĕr vī'rŭs) A herpesvirus, morphologically identical to herpes simplex virus, which causes varicella (chickenpox) and herpes zoster; varicella results from a primary infection, herpes zoster from secondary invasion or by reactivation of infection that has been latent for years. Synonym(s): chickenpox virus, herpes zoster virus, human herpesvirus 3, Varicellovirus. |