Acronym | Definition |
RDM➣Reichle & De-Massari (cabling specialist; Switzerland) |
RDM➣Red Mage (Final Fantasy, gaming) |
RDM➣Raw Device Mapping (VMware) |
RDM➣Rooms Division Manager |
RDM➣Ronald D. Moore (sci-fi actor) |
RDM➣Rhythms del Mundo (musical collaboration) |
RDM➣Robust Decision Making (research methodology) |
RDM➣Reference Data Management |
RDM➣Reduced Density Matrix (physics) |
RDM➣Reliably Delivered Message |
RDM➣Resource Definition Macro |
RDM➣Read Me File |
RDM➣Remote Diagnostic Management |
RDM➣Remote Data Module |
RDM➣Requirements Development Manager |
RDM➣Random |
RDM➣Raw Disk Mapping |
RDM➣Remote Deployment Manager |
RDM➣Rand Daily Mail (newspaper; South Africa) |
RDM➣Ring Deutscher Makler (German Realty Association) |
RDM➣Radarman (US Navy) |
RDM➣Rural Development Management (various schools) |
RDM➣Remote Device Management (protocol used in theatre lighting equipment) |
RDM➣Reduced Diameter Mast (windsurfing) |
RDM➣Radiation Detection and Measurement |
RDM➣Recoil Distance Method |
RDM➣Real-Time Data Manager (software) |
RDM➣Retail Design Manager (various locations) |
RDM➣Relational Data Model |
RDM➣Résistance des Matériaux (French) |
RDM➣Research Development Manufacturing (various organizations) |
RDM➣Redmond, Oregon Airport (Amtrak station code; Redmond, OR) |
RDM➣Restaurant Department Management |
RDM➣Rich Domain Model |
RDM➣Rovescio della Medaglia (Italian band) |
RDM➣Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques (French: Research in Mathematics Education) |
RDM➣Resource Data Management |
RDM➣Registry of Digital Masters (libraries) |
RDM➣Regional Data Manager |
RDM➣Rivière du Mât (French wine and spirits company) |
RDM➣Red Drum (FAO fish species code) |
RDM➣Rapid Draining Material (engineering) |
RDM➣Russian Doll Model (bandwidth allocation) |
RDM➣Resource Description Messages |
RDM➣Rupt-De-Mad (French radio station) |
RDM➣Rats de Marée (French band) |
RDM➣Raima Data Manager |
RDM➣Reservation Data Maintenance (India) |
RDM➣Reference Data Model |
RDM➣Raw Disk Map (VMware) |
RDM➣Réseau des Mécaniciens (French: Network Mechanics) |
RDM➣Radiation Design Margin |
RDM➣Remotely Delivered Mines |
RDM➣Random Death Match (video games) |
RDM➣Recruit Distribution Model |
RDM➣Réunionnais du Monde (French: World Reunion) |
RDM➣Ramped Dumped Barge (US Navy) |
RDM➣Relative Distance Microdiscovery |
RDM➣Relocation Design Memorandum (USACE) |
RDM➣Radon-Thoron-Daughter-Monitor |
RDM➣Relations et Diffusion de la Musique (French: Music Relations and Distribution) |
RDM➣Regional Deployment Manager (various organizations) |
RDM➣Residue-Division Multiplexing |
RDM➣Roll Drive Motor |
RDM➣Requirements Decision Memorandum (system engineering / requirements development) |
RDM➣Responsible Division Manager |