

单词 smokeless



S0499000 (smōk′lĭs)adj.1. Emitting or containing little or no smoke: smokeless factory stacks.2. Free from the use of smoking tobacco or from the smoke generated by such use: a smokeless society; a smokeless office setting.


(ˈsməʊklɪs) adjhaving or producing little or no smoke: smokeless fuel.
Adj.1.smokeless - emitting or containing little or no smoke; "smokeless factory stacks"; "smokeless fuel"; "a smokeless environment"smoky - marked by or emitting or filled with smoke; "smoky rafters"; "smoky chimneys"; "a smoky fireplace"; "a smoky corridor"


(sməuk) noun1. the cloudlike gases and particles of soot given off by something which is burning. Smoke was coming out of the chimney; He puffed cigarette smoke into my face. 煙,煙灰 烟,烟灰 2. an act of smoking (a cigarette etc). I came outside for a smoke. 抽煙 抽烟 verb1. to give off smoke. 冒煙 冒烟2. to draw in and puff out the smoke from (a cigarette etc). I don't smoke, but he smokes cigars. 吸煙 吸烟3. to dry, cure, preserve (ham, fish etc) by hanging it in smoke. 燻製(肉等) 熏制(肉等) smoked adjective treated with smoke. smoked cheese. 燻製的 熏制的ˈsmokeless adjective1. allowing no smoke. Our part of the town is a smokeless zone. 禁煙的 禁烟的2. burning without smoke. smokeless fuel. 無煙的 无烟的ˈsmoker noun a person who smokes cigarettes etc. When did you become a smoker?; He's a pipe-smoker. 吸煙者 吸烟者ˈsmoking noun the habit of smoking cigarettes etc. He has given up cigarette-smoking at last; Smoking can damage your health. 吸煙 吸烟ˈsmoky adjective1. filled with, or giving out (too much) smoke. The atmosphere in the room was thick and smoky. 煙霧彌漫的 烟雾弥漫的2. like smoke in appearance etc. 煙狀的 烟状的


noun 煙霧 烟雾性,烟熏程度 smoke detector a device in a building which sounds a fire alarm when smoke passes through it. 煙火警報器 烟火警报器ˈsmokescreen noun1. a cloud of smoke used to conceal the movements of troops etc. 煙幕 烟幕2. something intended to conceal one's activities etc. 放煙幕 放烟幕go up in smoke1. to be completely destroyed by fire. The whole house went up in smoke. 被燒光 被烧光2. to vanish very quickly leaving nothing behind. All his plans have gone up in smoke. 化為烏有 化为乌有



[′smōk·ləs] (ordnance) Indicating that ammunition is relatively smokeless when used in the weapon for which it is intended.
MedicalSeesmokeSee SMKLS


Related to smokeless: smokeless powder, smokeless tobacco
  • adj

Antonyms for smokeless

adj emitting or containing little or no smoke


  • smoky




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