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stactometer (stækˈtɒmɪtə) n a variant spelling of staktometerstactometer
stactometer[stak′täm·əd·ər] (engineering) stalagmometer stactometer
stactometer [stak-tom´ĕ-ter] a device for measuring drops.stal·ag·mom·e·ter (stal'ăg-mom'ĕ-tĕr), An instrument for determining exactly the number of drops in a given quantity of liquid; used as a measure of the surface tension of a fluid (the lower the tension, the smaller the drops and, consequently, the more numerous in a given quantity of the fluid). Synonym(s): stactometer [G. stalagma, a drop, + metron, measure] stactometerS16-890960 (stăk-tŏm′ĕt-ĕr) [Gr. staktos, dropping, + metron, measure] An instrument for measuring fluid in drops. |