

单词 pbr
释义 DictionarySeepayment by results



Abbreviation for:
peptide-binding region
peribrachial region
post-birthing room
pre-budget report



1. See: Price to book ratio.

2. See: Pre-Budget Report.


PBRPokemon Battle Revolution (gaming)
PBRPabst Blue Ribbon
PBRPre-Budget Report
PBRPhysically Based Rendering
PBRPolicy Based Routing
PBRPartai Bintang Reformasi (Indonesian: Reform Star Party)
PBRPeripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor (biochemistry)
PBRPayment by Results (UK hospital funding)
PBRProcess Bill Register
PBRPhone Book Read
PBRProgram Counter Breakpoint Register
PBRPlayback and Record
PBRPeriodic Buffer Reuse
PBRPermit by Rule
PBRPrinciple-Based Reserving (life insurance)
PBRPlant Breeder's Rights
PBRPatrol Boat/River (military)
PBRPartition Boot Record
PBRPass by Reference
PBRPerformance-Based Regulation
PBRPerformance Based Ratemaking
PBRPoint-Blank Range
PBRPrivate Business Radio
PBRProgram Budget Review (US DoD)
PBRPerspective-Based Reading (requirement inspection technique)
PBRPebble Bed Reactor
PBRPerformance Based Remediation
PBRProduct Backlog Refinement (Scrum)
PBRPacked Bed Reactor
PBRPublic Broadcast Radio
PBRPowered by Rice
PBRPaper Bag Records (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
PBRPrinciple-Based Regulation
PBRPatients' Bill of Rights (congressional legislation)
PBRPrice-to-Book Value Ratio
PBRPublic Bus Route
PBRPresident's Budget Request
PBRPatrol Boat Riverine
PBRParticle Bed Reactor
PBRProfessional Bull Riders/Riding
PBRPermian Basin Railways (Chicago, IL)
PBRPiggy Back Ride
PBRPlastic Baton Round
PBRPolished-Bore Receptacle
PBRPeak Bit Rate
PBRPerformance Based Requirement
PBRPeriodic Business Review
PBRPaintball Review
PBRPosition-Based Routing (communications)
PBRProfile-Based Routing
PBRPassive Bistatic Radar
PBRPrimary Boot Record
PBRPlum Brook Reactor (Ohio)
PBRPlan Build Run
PBRPenang Bridge Run (Malaysia)
PBRProgram Budget Request
PBRPro Bull Riders, Inc.
PBRPlanning Based on Re-clearance
PBRProfessional Business Reception
PBRPost Boost Reliability
PBRPay Back Rate
PBRPatapsco and Black Rivers Railroad Company
PBRPost Build Review (engineering)
PBRPrescription Benefit Record (member benefit)
PBRPattern-Based Recognition
PBRPink Barbie Radio (Internet radio station)




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