Beissel, Johann Conrad

Beissel, Johann Conrad

(yō`hän kôn`rät bī`səl), 1690–1768, founder of the Seventh-Day Baptist community at Ephrata, Pa. Emigrating (1720) from Germany, he settled first with the German Baptists, or Dunkards, in Germantown, Pa. He soon moved to the Conestoga Valley, where he preached to the German settlers. Beissel published (1728) a tract on his conviction that Saturday was the true Sabbath. With his followers he established (c.1728–1733) at EphrataEphrata
, borough (1990 pop. 12,133), Lancaster co., SE Pa., in a prosperous farm area; inc. 1891. There is varied manufacturing. A noted semimonastic religious community was founded (c.1732) there by Seventh-Day Baptists under the leadership of Johann Conrad Beissel.
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 a semimonastic religious community that became well known in colonial times. Over 400 of Beissel's hymns were printed, most of them in the Turtel-Taube (1747), the Ephrata hymnal.

Beissel, Johann Conrad

(1690–1768) religious leader, composer; born in Eberbach-am-Neckar, Germany. Fleeing persecution, he came to America in 1720; in 1732 at Ephrata, Pa., he found the Solitary Brethren of the Community of Seventh Day Baptists. Self-trained in music, he wrote many robust, homespun hymns for his community.