

单词 pcd



A gene on chromosome 5p15.2 that encodes a dynein protein, which is part of a microtubule-associated motor-protein complex consisting of light, intermediate and heavy chains. DNAH5 is a heavy chain force-generating protein with ATPase activity; release of ADP produces the force-producing power stroke.
Molecular pathology
DNAH5 mutations cause primary ciliary dyskinesia type 3 and Kartagener syndrome.


PCDPussycat Dolls (band)
PCDProgrammed Cell Death
PCDPolycrystalline Diamond
PCDPollution Control Department (Thailand)
PCDPhotoCD (Kodak file extension)
PCDPanama City Division (US Navy)
PCDPrinted Circuit Design
PCDPrimary Ciliary Dyskinesia
PCDPackage Configuration Descriptor
PCDProject Contract Document
PCDPhoto Compact Disc
PCDProfessional Cd
PCDPlotter Characterization Data
PCDPersonal Cd
PCDPrecision Color Display
PCDPassive Case Detection (healthcare)
PCDPolicy Coherence for Development (European Union)
PCDPlataformas de Coleta de Dados (Portugese: Data Collection Platform, Brazil)
PCDPitch Circle Diameter
PCDPrimary Care Dentist
PCDPhlegmasia Cerulea Dolens
PCDPartnership for Community Development (various locations)
PCDPulsed Corona Discharge
PCDParty for Democratic Convergence (Cape Verde)
PCDParaneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration
PCDPartnership for Child Development
PCDPerformance-Centered Design
PCDProximity Coupling Device
PCDProcess Challenge Device
PCDPersonal Computer Division (various companies)
PCDPlanned Community Developers (Sugar Land, TX)
PCDPerfumes, Cosmetics & Design (conference)
PCDPartial Consent Decree
PCDPartida Cristiandemocratica Dalla Svizra (Christian Democratic Party of Switzerland)
PCDPersonal Communication Device
PCDPersonal Care Division (various companies)
PCDPueblo Chemical Depot (Pueblo, Colorado)
PCDPlans Communaux de Développement (French: Municipal Development Plan; Morocco)
PCDPodcast Devotee
PCDPortfolio Committee on Defence (South Africa)
PCDProject Control Department
PCDPortal Content Directory (SAP)
PCDPanoramic Cockpit Display
PCDProvincial Communications Department
PCDProtocol Converter Device
PCDPartido del Centro Democrático (México)
PCDPortable Computing Device
PCDPremature Centromere Division (aka Premature Chromatid Separation)
PCDPrice Calculation Date (shipping)
PCDPollution Control Device
PCDPage Cache Disable
PCDProfessions Complementary to Dentistry
PCDPower Control Device
PCDPeople-Centered Development Forum
PCDPeople Centered Development
PCDPeace, Conflict and Development (program, Canada)
PCDPackage Configuration Descriptor (computing)
PCDProcess Control Device
PCDPre-Commissioning Detachment
PCDPersonal Computing Device
PCDPayload Correction Data
PCDPhoton Counting Detector
PCDParticipatory Community Development
PCDProduct Configuration Documentation
PCDProcurement Code
PCDProperty Clerk Division (New York, NY)
PCDPersonal Content Delivery
PCDProject Control Document
PCDPhotochemical Darkening
PCDPOSIX Conformance Document
PCDPsittacine Circoviral Disease (aka Beak and Feather Disease)
PCDPremature Chromatid Separation (aka Premature Centromere Division)
PCDProject Commitment Document
PCDPost Concert Depression
PCDPacer Cardioverter Defibrillator
PCDPrairie du Chien, Wisconsin (Airport Code)
PCDProcess Control Daemon (Linux system level process manager)
PCDPrivate Client Division
PCDPreconstructed Deck (tradable card games)
PCDProgram Control Document
PCDProduct Concept Document
PCDPost-Convention Depression
PCDPerfect Crystal Diffractometer
PCDPhotoconductive Device
PCDPacific Car Demurrage Bureau
PCDPacific Communications Division
PCDPersonal Compact Disc
PCDPolar Cap Disturbance
PCDProbable Cause of Death
PCDPrice Control Department (Vietnam)
PCDPost Camp Depression
PCDPostpartum Certified Doula
PCDPreliminary Coordination Draft
PCDPitched Circle Diameter
PCDPlutonium Concentrator Distillate
PCDProgram Commitment Document (NASA)
PCDProduction Control Desk
PCDPreliminary Conceptual Design
PCDProcess Control Documentation
PCDPost Chow Dip (USMC)
PCDPrecision Course Director
PCDPassive Crystal Detector
PCDPublication Change Directive
PCDProduction Cutoff Date
PCDPlatform Compatibility Demonstration
PCDPhase-Center Displacement
PCDPseudo-Coherent Detection
PCDPresidential Communication Directorate (US State Department and Russian government correspondence)
PCDProblem Categories Description
PCDPhysical & Cyber Domains (TRADOC)
PCDProgram Change Decision/Division
PCDPost-Coachella Depression (music festival slang)
PCDProduction Control Department
PCDProcess Chemistry Development
PCDPlatform Components Division
PCDPeople's Commissariat of Defense (Russia)
PCDProfessional Certificate in Development




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