Vestnik Narodnoi Voli
Vestnik Narodnoi Voli
(Journal of the People’s Will), a journal published in Geneva by émigré members of the Executive Committee of the People’s Will from 1883 to 1886. Five issues were published. The editorial staff (located in Paris) consisted of L. A. Tikhomirov, M. N. Oshanina, and P. L. Lavrov; contributors included N. Rusanov, L. Bukh, and V. Debogorii-Mokrievich. The journal dealt with the sociopolitical life of Russia and with the socialist movement in Western Europe. Articles by G. V. Plekhanov and P. B. Aksel’rod were published in the first issues. The attempt to bring about a rapprochement between the former members of Black Repartition, who had become social democrats, and the leaders of the People’s Will émigrés (it was proposed that Plekhanov join the editorial board) was unsuccessful, and Plekhanov’s work Socialism and the Political Struggle, which was intended for Vestnik Narodnoi voli, was received unfavorably by the editors.