talar tilt test

talar tilt test

An orthopedic test used to determine the collateral stability of the ankle joint. The amount of laxity in the affected ankle is determined relative to the laxity in the uninvolved limb.

Eversion talar tilt test. The foot and ankle are maintained in the neutral position. The examiner stabilizes the distal lower leg while cupping the calcaneus with the opposite hand. The talus is then rolled outward to eversion.

This test checks the integrity of the deltoid ligament group of the medial ankle, esp. the tibiocalcaneal and tibionavicular ligaments. The mechanical block formed by the lateral malleolus limits the amount of eversion.

Inversion talar tilt test. The foot and ankle are maintained in the neutral position. The examiner stabilizes the distal lower leg while cupping the calcaneus with the opposite hand. The talus is then rolled inward to inversion.

This test checks the integrity of the lateral ligaments, specifically the calcaneofibular, anterior talofibular, and posterior talofibular ligaments (in order of involvement). The anterior talofibular ligament can be isolated through the use of the anterior drawer test.