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pectoriloquy (ˌpɛktəˈrɪləkwɪ) n (Medicine) vocalization through the chest wall, indicating a cavity or consolidation of the lungpectoriloquism, pectoriloquyspeaking from the chest, a phenomenon observed with a stethoscope and caused by the voice reverberating in the lung cavities as a result of disease. — pectoriloquial, pectoriloquous, adj.See also: Speech the transmission of the voice through the chest wall, so that it can be picked up by direct listening against the chest or with a stethoscope. It frequently indicates an abnormality in the lungs. — pectoriloquial, pectoriloquous, adj.See also: Body, Human
pectoriloquy [pek″to-ril´o-kwe] voice sounds of increased resonance heard through the chest wall, such as egophony and bronchophony.pec·to·ril·o·quy (pek'tō-ril'ŏ-kwē), Increased transmission of the voice sound through the pulmonary structures, so that it is clearly audible on auscultation of the chest; usually indicates consolidation of the underlying lung parenchyma. Synonym(s): pectorophony [L. pectus, chest, + loquor, to speak] pec·to·ril·o·quy (pek'tō-ril'ŏ-kwē) Increased transmission of the voice sound through the pulmonary structures, so that it is clearly audible on auscultation of the chest; usually indicates consolidation of the underlying lung parenchyma. [L. pectus, chest, + loquor, to speak] |