Veniukov, Mikhail
Veniukov, Mikhail Ivanovich
Born June 23 (July 5), 1832, in the village of Nikitinskoe, Riazan Province; died July 4 (17), 1901, in Paris. Russian geographer, traveler, and ethnographer. Major general. Graduated from the Academy of the General Staff (1856).
Veniukov traveled through the Far East (1857-59), Tien-Shan, the Pamirs, Semirech’e (1859-60), and the Caucasus (1861-63). He studied the Amur River and gave a scientific description of Lake Issyk Kul’ and the upper reaches of the Chu River; he compiled a geographic and ethnographic description of the northwestern Caucasus. He made a trip around the world in 1868; he also traveled through Japan and China (1869-71) and Turkey (1874). In 1877, Veniukov emigrated from Russia. Between 1880 and 1900 he made scientific journeys to Indochina, North Africa, South and Central America, and so on. He wrote a manual on physical geography. A pass through the Sikhote-Alin Mountains and a cape in the Kuril Islands bear his name.
Fizicheskaia geografiia, books 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1865.Puteshestviia po okrainam Russkoi Azii i zapiski o nikh. St. Petersburg, 1868.
Obozrenie Iaponskogo arkhipelaga v sovremennom ego sostoianii, issues 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1871.
Ocherki sovremennogo Kitaia. St. Petersburg, 1874.
Ocherk politicheskoi etnografii stran, lezhashchikh mezhdu Rossieiu i Indieiu. St. Petersburg, 1878.
Istoricheskie ocherki Rossii so vremeni Krymskoi voiny do za-kliucheniia Berlinskogo dogovora: 1855-1878, vols. 1-4. Leipzig-Prague, 1878-80.
Iz vospominanii M. I. Veniukova, books 1-3. Amsterdam, 1895-1901.
Puteshestviia po Priamur’iu, Kitaiu i laponii. Khabarovsk, 1970.