serous cell

se·rous cell

a cell, especially of the salivary gland, that secretes a watery or thin albuminous fluid, as opposed to a mucous cell. Synonym(s): albuminous cell (1)

se·rous cell

(sēr'ŭs sel) A cell, especially of the salivary gland, which secretes a watery or thin albuminous fluid, as opposed to a mucous cell.

serous cell

An epithelial cell that secretes a watery fluid containing proteins, glycoproteins, and often antibodies (IgA, IgG, and IgM). Serous cells and mucous cells are the two varieties of secretory cells found in exocrine glands. See also: cell

se·rous cell

(sēr'ŭs sel) A cell, especially of the salivary gland, which secretes a watery albuminous fluid.