Russian Winter Festival

Russian Winter Festival

December 25-January 5The Russian Winter Festival is a festival of arts and a time of holiday partying largely in Moscow, Russia, and somewhat less grandly in other cities of the former Soviet Union. In Moscow, there are circuses, performances of Russian fables for children, and other special theatrical presentations as well as traditional outdoor parties with troika (sled) rides, folk games, and dancing around fir trees. On New Year's Eve, children wait for gifts from "Grandfather Frost"—who wears a red robe and black boots and has a white beard—and his helper, Snow Girl.
In the past, Grandfather Frost was associated with Christmas, but religious holidays were stamped out after the 1917 Revolution. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, people began to openly revive old traditions, and Grandfather Frost may again become a Christmas figure, though Santa Claus has also become popular in Russia.
Russian Travel Information Office
224 W. 30th St., Ste. 701
New York, NY 10001
877-221-7120 or 646-473-2233; fax: 646-473-2205
AnnivHol-2000, p. 213
EncyChristmas-2003, p. 653
GdWrldFest-1985, p. 183
IntlThFolk-1979, p. 375