Russkaia Istoricheskaia Bibliografiia

Russkaia Istoricheskaia Bibliografiia


(Russian Historical Bibliography). (1) A systematic yearly index of the Russian literature on Russian and world history published in Russian in the period 1855–64. The indexes were compiled by the brothers P. P. Lambin and B. P. Lambin and published by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the period 1861–84. The ten volumes that were published listed more than 44,000 books, maps, periodicals, and articles from journals and newspapers.

(2) A systematic index of the literature (books, articles, reviews) on Russian and world history published in Russian and Western European languages in the period 1865–76. The index, which continued chronologically the yearbooks compiled by the Lambin brothers, was compiled by V. I. Mezhov and published in eight volumes by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences between 1882 and 1890. It is the most complete bibliography of Russian historical literature for the period 1865–76.

(3) A systematic index of the books, reviews, and journal and newspaper articles on Russian and world history published in Russia in the period 1800–54. It was compiled by V. I. Mezhov and published in 1892 and 1893 (vols. 1–3). The published volumes reflect sources and literature on Russia of a general nature, biographical material, auxiliary historical sciences, geography, ethnography, statistics, and the history of education.


Zdobnov, N. V. Istoriia russkoi bibliografii do nachala XX v, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1955.