Russo-Mongolian Agreement of 1912 on Recognition of the Autonomy of
Russo-Mongolian Agreement of 1912 on Recognition of the Autonomy of Outer Mongolia
The Russo-Mongolian agreement of 1912 was signed in Urga (Ulan Bator) on October 21 (November 3) by I. Korostovets, representing tsarist Russia, and by Sain Noyan Khan and Ching-Suzuktu Ching-Wan Lama, among others, representing Outer Mongolia. The tsarist government, recognizing the autonomy of Outer Mongolia, pledged to provide assistance to preserve the autonomous system it had established (art. 1). The government of autonomous Mongolia pledged to grant Russian subjects in Mongolia a number of privileges, which were enumerated in a protocol appended to the agreement. The agreement stated that “other foreign subjects will not be granted in Mongolia more rights than those that Russian subjects enjoy there.” In 1913 the government of China also recognized the autonomy of Outer Mongolia.