Staronosov, Petr Nikolaevich

Staronosov, Petr Nikolaevich


Born Jan. 6 (18), 1893, in Moscow; died there Nov. 18,1942. Soviet graphic artist.

Staronosov was basically a self-taught artist. He contributed to the magazines Smena (Young Generation), Znanie—sila (Knowledge Is Power), Pioner (Pioneer), Krasnaia niva (Red Cornfield), and Vokrug sveta (Around the World). His work, which consists mainly of small engravings and illustrations executed using the techniques of wood engraving and linecut, is characterized by a highly emotional perception of the world, an intricate many-planed composition, and an overall decorativeness.

Staronosov’s works include the series The Pamirs (1932; colored pencil, watercolor, and gouache; Tret’iakov Gallery and Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow) and illustrations to O. Gur’ian’s The Golden Tail (1930) and P. M. Kerzhentsev’s The Life of Lenin (1936).


Sokol’nikov, M. P. P. N. Staronosov. [Leningrad] 1938.
P. N. Staronosov (catalog of an exhibition). Moscow, 1966.