Acronym | Definition |
BHR➣Bahrain (ISO Country code) |
BHR➣Burning Heart Records (est. 1993; Örebro, Sweden) |
BHR➣Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (Smith & Nephew) |
BHR➣Blue Hills Regional (Massachusetts) |
BHR➣Bureau for Humanitarian Response (USAID) |
BHR➣Basic Hourly Rate (wages) |
BHR➣Biomedical and Health Research |
BHR➣Bobby Hamilton Racing (automobile racing) |
BHR➣Browser Hijack Retaliator (software) |
BHR➣Basic Hire Rate |
BHR➣Bureau Horticole Régional (French: Horticultural Regional Office; ornamental horticulture consultant) |
BHR➣Bronchial Hyper Reactivity |
BHR➣Broadband Home Router |
BHR➣Béton à Haute Résistance (French: High Strength Concrete) |
BHR➣Borderline Hypertensive Rat |
BHR➣Branch History Register |
BHR➣Beilstein Handbook Reference (chemical registry) |
BHR➣Budgeted Hourly Rate (machine operation costs) |
BHR➣Bass Hotels and Resorts, Inc. |
BHR➣Borehole Radar (mining technology) |
BHR➣Black Halo Racing (est. 2007) |
BHR➣Block Header Record |
BHR➣Bar Height Reduction (bar coding) |
BHR➣Bellefonte Historical Railway |
BHR➣Blue Harvest Records (est. 1997; Ohio) |
BHR➣Bickmore-Hutt Realty (Australia) |
BHR➣Big Honkin' Rocket (FlisKits model rocket) |
BHR➣Broken Hearted Rounds (band) |