

单词 sfd


fundus dystrophy, pseudoinflammatory, of Sorsby

A rare autosomal dominant (OMIM:136900) macular disorder that first appears around age 30 with loss of central vision due to subretinal neovascularisation and retinal atrophy. Macular disciform degeneration usually develops in 6 months to 6 years.
Molecular pathology
Caused by defects of TIMP3, which encodes a member of the tissue inhibitor of matrix metallopeptidase (TIMP) family.


SFDSanford (Amtrak station code; Sanford, FL)
SFDSportowe Forum Dyskusyjne (Polish: Sports Discussion Forum)
SFDSoftware Freedoom Day (open software)
SFDSequential File Description
SFDStart Frame Delimiter
SFDSubfile Dictionary
SFDSave File Dialog
SFDStructure Functional Design
SFDSingle Family Dwelling
SFDSedona Fire District (Sedona, AZ)
SFDSocial Fund for Development (Egypt and Yemen)
SFDSiberian Federal District (Russia)
SFDSouthern Federal District (Russia)
SFDSeattle Fire Department (Seattle, Washington)
SFDSociété Française de Dermatologie (French: French Society of Dermatology)
SFDSystem Functional Demonstration (US Navy)
SFDState Final Demand (Australian financial statistics)
SFDSacramento Fire Department (California, USA)
SFDSaudi Fund for Development
SFDSyracuse Fire Department
SFDStandard Format for Data
SFDSoil Framework Directive (EU)
SFDStandard Finite Difference
SFDSecurities and Financial Derivatives (certification)
SFDSignal Flow Diagram
SFDStart of Frame Delimiter (networking)
SFDSir Francis Drake
SFDSystème Financier Décentralisé (French: Decentralized Financial System; various locations)
SFDStandby Flight Display
SFDSurrey Fire Department (Canada)
SFDSorsby's Fundus Dystrophy
SFDSandusky Fire Department (Ohio)
SFDSimplified Frontier Declaration (customs)
SFDShear Force Diagram
SFDStructured Finance Division (various locations)
SFDSingle Function Device
SFDSaturation Flux Density (satellite communications)
SFDStatic Frequency Divider
SFDSingle-Family Detached Housing (real estate)
SFDSociété Francophone de Dialyse (French: Francophone Society of Dialysis)
SFDSouthern Ford Dealers
SFDSpectral Flux Distribution
SFDState Forest District (various locations)
SFDStraight Forward Dealing
SFDSofdec (Dreamcast movie format)
SFDStub Types for Deletion (Wikimedia Foundation)
SFDSeparator Filter Dryer (compressed air system)
SFDSymbolic File Directory
SFDSociété Francophone du Diabète (French: Francophone Society of Diabetes)
SFDSource-Film-Distance (radiography)
SFDSchenectady Fire Department
SFDSudden Frequency Deviation
SFDStreet Fighter Devotion (gaming community)
SFDSemiautonomous Flight Director
SFDShepherdstown Fire Department (Shepherdstown, WV)
SFDSubmission for Decision (various locations)
SFDSimplified Flow Diagram
SFDScotia Fire Department (Scotia, New York)
SFDSystem Functional Diagram
SFDSociété Française de Déménagement (French: French Moving Company)
SFDSuffield Fire Department (Connecticut, USA)
SFDSampling Frequency Detector
SFDSpécification Fonctionnelle Détaillée (French: Detailed Functional Specification)
SFDSlurry Flow Difference
SFDSwing Fire Door
SFDStore Front Deluxe
SFDSuburban Filter Dryer
SFDSignal Flow/Function Diagram
SFDSymphysis-Fundus Distance




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