Tapia syndrome

Ta·pi·a syn·drome

(tah'pē-ă), unilateral paralysis of the larynx, the velum palati, and the tongue, with atrophy of the latter.

Ta·pi·a syn·drome

(tah'pē-ă), unilateral paralysis of the larynx, the velum palati, and the tongue, with atrophy of the latter.

Ta·pi·a syn·drome

(tah'pē-ah sin'drōm) Unilateral paralysis of the larynx, the velum palati, and the tongue, with atrophy of the latter.


Antonio, Spanish otolaryngologist, 1875-1950. Tapia syndrome - unilateral paralysis of the larynx, velum palati, and tongue, with atrophy of the latter.Tapia vagohypoglossal palsy

Ta·pi·a syn·drome

(tah'pē-ah sin'drōm) Unilateral paralysis of larynx, velum palati, and tongue, with atrophy of the last.