Acronym | Definition |
SFR➣Swiss Franc (national currency) |
SFR➣Single Family Residence (real estate) |
SFR➣Single Family Residence |
SFR➣Statistical First Release (Department for Education; UK) |
SFR➣Société Française du Radiotéléphone (French cellular provider) |
SFR➣Split Frame Rendering (computer graphics processing) |
SFR➣Single Family Rural (zoning) |
SFR➣Santa Fe Reporter (newspaper; Santa Fe, NM) |
SFR➣San Francisco Region |
SFR➣Security Functional Requirement (computer security) |
SFR➣Special Function Register |
SFR➣Service Flow Reference |
SFR➣Security Functional Requirements |
SFR➣Split Frame Rendering |
SFR➣Subfield Recall |
SFR➣Special Function Register (Intel 8051 Microcontroller) |
SFR➣Sonic Free Riders (video game) |
SFR➣Substitute For Return |
SFR➣Star Formation Rate |
SFR➣Société Française de Radiologie |
SFR➣State Forest Road (various locations) |
SFR➣School of Forest Resources (various locations) |
SFR➣Standard for Full Registration (UK) |
SFR➣Student to Faculty Ratio (educational statistic) |
SFR➣Structure Function Relationship (biology) |
SFR➣Sarah Fisher Racing (racing team) |
SFR➣Spatial Frequency Response |
SFR➣Strathclyde Fire & Rescue (UK) |
SFR➣Spectrum Framework Review (Office of Communications; UK) |
SFR➣Star Forming Region |
SFR➣State and Federal Relations (Maine Municipal Association) |
SFR➣Société Française de Rhumatologie |
SFR➣Sodium Fast Reactor |
SFR➣System Functional Review |
SFR➣School Fund Raiser (various locations) |
SFR➣Special Forces Regiment |
SFR➣School Financial Report (Florida) |
SFR➣Starfsmannafélag Ríkisstofnana (Icelandic: Association of Government Personnel) |
SFR➣Strange Famous Records |
SFR➣Ship from Remote Location (various companies) |
SFR➣Swiss Federal Railway |
SFR➣Small-Farm Reservoir |
SFR➣Slovak Federal Republic |
SFR➣Santa Fe Re-Creations |
SFR➣Special Flight Rules |
SFR➣Small-Frame Revolver (firearm) |
SFR➣Spin-Flip Raman |
SFR➣Stable Free Radical |
SFR➣Shinden Fudo Ryu (Martial Arts; Bujinkan) |
SFR➣South Florida Raves |
SFR➣Step Frequency Radar |
SFR➣Salary Factor Report |
SFR➣Synchronous Fixed Repetition |
SFR➣Spectral FEG Resequencing |
SFR➣Shanghai-Fanuc Robotics, Ltd. |
SFR➣Special Friends Records |
SFR➣Safety of Flight Requirements |
SFR➣Status of Forces Report |
SFR➣Semiannual Force Revision |
SFR➣Shift Finger Rail |
SFR➣Significant Finding Report |
SFR➣Starfleet Republic headquarters (Star Trek role playing game) |
SFR➣System-Fault-Risk (computer systems) |
SFR➣Ship's Hazardous Material List Feedback Report |
SFR➣South Farms Review (publication, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |
SFR➣South Flintshire Radio |
SFR➣San Francisco Reporting Service (court reporting) |
SFR➣Software Functional Requirement |
SFR➣Scottish Forest Rally School |
SFR➣Shunt Field Resistance |
SFR➣Sex Factor Regulation |
SFR➣Software Fault Report |