Vasilii Vladimirov

Vladimirov, Vasilii Sergeevich


Born Jan. 9, 1923, in the village of Diaglevo, Leningrad Oblast. Soviet mathematician. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970; corresponding member, 1968).

Vladimirov graduated from Leningrad University in 1948 and began working at the V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics that same year. He developed a method for the numerical integration by characteristics of the transport equation (1956), established a new variational principle for the one-velocity transport equation, and derived the best boundary conditions in the method of spherical harmonics for convex regions (1961). Vladimirov gave a proof of the dispersion relations in quantum field theory for the maximal possible transfer of momentum (1959); he established the so-called theorem of the “c-convex shell” and applied it to problems of the uniqueness of generalized solutions of equations in convolutions (1960). Vladimirov gave the solution to the problem of the linear conjugation of holomorphic functions of many complex variables (1965), described a class of holomorphic functions in tubular regions over pointed cones with a nonnegative imaginary part (1969), and applied this to the construction of the theory of multidimensional linear passive systems (1970). He has done work in the geometric theory of numbers, quadrature formulas for functional integrals, the Monte-Carlo method, and plurisubharminic functions. A recipient of the State Prize in 1953, Vladimirov has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and various medals.


“Matematicheskie zadachi odnoskorostnoi teorii perenosa chastits.” Tr. Matematicheskogo in-ta AN SSSR, vol. 61. Moscow, 1961.
Metody teorii funktsii mnogikh kompleksnykh peremennykh. Moscow, 1964.
Uravneniia matematicheskoi fiziki. Moscow, 1967.