

, supraphysiological (sū'pră-fiz'ē-ō-loj'ik, -loj'i-kăl), Denoting any dose (of a chemical agent that either is or mimics a hormone, neurotransmitter, or other naturally occurring agent) that is larger or more potent than would occur naturally, or the effects of such a dose. Compare: homeopathic (2), pharmacologic (2), physiologic (4).


adjective Endocrinology Referring to administration of hormones or other substances that are normally present in the circulation, in doses in excess of those normally produced by the body. Cf Homeopathic, Pharmacologic, Physiologic.


, supraphysiological (soo″pră-fiz″ē-ŏ-loj′ik) (-loj′ĭ-kăl) Exceeding what is normally found in healthy individuals. The term is usually used to refer to a hormone or medication given in a stronger dose than the amount the body can produce on its own.