Azerbaijan Horse
Azerbaijan Horse
a group of horses of the saddle and pack type, raised from antiquity on the territory of Azerbaijan.
The horses are renowned for longevity, hardiness, and great endurance. Well suited for being raised in herds, they are strong and lean with a lively spirit. Colors: chestnut, gray, bay, and so forth. Average measurements (in centimeters): height at withers, 138; diagonal line of body, 139; circumference of chest, 161; and circumference of shank, 18. Live mass (usual term, “liveweight”) 280–350 kg. The horses travel 60–70 km a day carrying packs of 120–140 kg. Their maximum carryable load is 3,000–3,200 kg, and the average speed of two-year-olds over a distance of 1,600 meters is 2 min, 22.6 sec.
The Azerbaijan horse has been improved by linebreeding and crossbreeding with Arab and Ierek (Kazakh) breeds.
Azerbaijan horses comprise several types, each having its own particular features and named for its area of origin. They include Karabakh horses, Kuba pacers, Shirvan horses, and the Deliboz, an improved type raised basically in the Kazakh region of Azerbaijan—the Deliboz were originally called Kazakh horses.
Kniga o loshadi, vol. 1. Edited by S. M. Budennyi. Moscow, 1952.R. KH. SATTARZADE