Sokolov, Vladimir Nikolaevich
Sokolov, Vladimir Nikolaevich
Born Apr. 18, 1928, in the city of Likhoslavl’, Kalinin Oblast. Soviet Russian poet.
In 1952, Sokolov graduated from the M. Gorky Institute of Literature. He first appeared in print in 1948. Early volumes of poetry, Morning on the Road (1953), Grass Under the Snow (1958), and On the Sunny Side (1961), revolve around the poet’s childhood days and war experiences and reflect his spiritual com-ing-of-age. By the mid-1960’s, Sokolov’s poetry acquired a distinctly lyrical and philosophical tone, evident in the collections Different Years (1966), Snow in September (1968), and Second Youth (1971). Sokolov focuses on the complex shifting of the spirit, often linked to memories of the past and motifs of love and nature. The subtle connections and interrelations between words and their shades of meaning are the foundation of his poetics. Sokolov has been awarded the Bulgarian Order of Cyril and Methodius.
Stikhotvoreniia. (Foreword by O. Mikhailov.) Moscow, 1970.REFERENCES
Geideko, V. “Put’ k sebe.” Zvezda, 1966, no. 11.Aikhenval’d, lu. “Vpechatlenie i slovo.” Novyi mir, 1969, no. 5.
Kozhinov, V. “‘Stikhi dolzhny byt’, kak otkrytoe okno!’: Zametki o poezii VI. Sokolova.” Nash sovremennik, 1974, no. 1.