Acronym | Definition |
STCP➣Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto |
STCP➣Sustainable Tree Crops Program (Africa) |
STCP➣Stimulated T Cell Chemotactic Protein |
STCP➣Serviço de Transportes Colectivos do Porto (Portuguese: Porto Bus Service) |
STCP➣Sumatran Tiger Conservation Program |
STCP➣Short Term Car Park |
STCP➣Smoking and Tobacco Control Program |
STCP➣Slagar the Cruel Productions (website) |
STCP➣Somos Transportados Como Porcos (Portugese) |
STCP➣Student Tax Clinic Program |
STCP➣Sistema de Transporte Complementar de Passageiros (Portugese) |
STCP➣Southern Tobacco Communities Project |
STCP➣Secretaría Técnica del Consejo de Planeación (Spanish) |
STCP➣Society of Tympanuchus Cupido Pinnatus, Ltd |
STCP➣Soft Top Command Post |
STCP➣Solving the Christian Puzzle |
STCP➣Sudan Trachoma Control Program |
STCP➣St Catharines Place (retirement suites; Ontario, Canada) |
STCP➣Steiner Triple Covering Problem |
STCP➣Streams-Based TCP/IP |
STCP➣Serial Test Controller Programming |
STCP➣Solid Tumour Chemotherapy Protocols |
STCP➣Seafood Trainers' Community of Practice |
STCP➣Store Clock Pulse |
STCP➣Short Term Concessionaire's Permit |
STCP➣School Traffic Calming Program (California) |
STCP➣Springer Tipper Campbell Partnership Ltd (London, UK) |
STCP➣Standard Commercial Crude Protein (Level) |
STCP➣Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing (Florida) |
STCP➣Simply the Chemical Photography (California) |