Petr Kuznetsov

Kuznetsov, Petr Savvich


Born Jan. 20 (Feb. 1), 1899, in Moscow; died there Mar. 21, 1968. Soviet linguist, specialist in general and Russian linguistics. Doctor of philological sciences (1947). Kuznetsov graduated as an external student from the first Moscow State University in 1927. He worked in the Scientific Research Institute of Linguistics from 1931 to 1933. He began teaching in 1931. In 1943 he joined the faculty of Moscow University and in 1948 was appointed professor. Kuznetsov was one of the founders of the Moscow school of phonology and wrote basic works on the dialectology and history of Russian, on Slavistics, the Finno-Ugric languages, African linguistics, Indo-European linguistics, and structural and applied linguistics. Many of his works have been translated into other languages.


Russkaia dialektologiia, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1954.
Ocherki istoricheskoi morfologii russkogo iazyka. Moscow, 1959.
Oprintsipakh izucheniia grammatiki: Materialy k kursam iazykoznaniia. Moscow, 1961.
Ocherki po morfologii praslavianskogo iazyka. Moscow, 1961.
Istoricheskaia grammatika russkogo iazyka, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1965. (With V. I. Borkovskii.)


Reformatskii, A. A. “Petr Savvich Kuznetsov (1899–1968).” In lazyk i chelovek. Moscow, 1970. (Includes bibliography.)