AFIDAnti-Felon Identification
AFIDAffiliate ID
AFIDAgency for International Development
AFIDAlles fuer Ihren Drucker (German: Everything for Your Printer)
AFIDAssociação Nacional de Famílias para a Integração da Pessoa Deficiente (Portugese)
AFIDAlkali Flame Ionization Detector
AFIDAmerican Institute of Floral Designers
AFIDAnti-Fratricide Identification Device
AFIDAssociation of Freelance Internet Designers
AFIDAmt für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung
AFIDArmed Forces Institute of Dentistry (Rawalpindi, Pakistan)
AFIDAssociation of Franchise and Independent Distributors
AFIDA Friend In Deed (electronic alarm and emergency response system)
AFIDAgentur Für Immobilien Dienste (German)
AFIDAutonomous Fabric Identifier (Cisco)
AFIDAnatolian Federated Islamic State
AFIDArmed Forces Identification Card
AFIDAnarkistføderationen I Danmark (Dansh: Anarchist Federation of Denmark)
AFIDApparatus Field Inspection Duty (FDNY)
AFIDArizona Foreign Investment Directory
AFIDAdvanced Frontiers in Drug Design, Discovery, Development and Delivery
AFIDAssociació de Funcionaris Interins Docent
AFIDAustralian Film Institute Distribution
AFIDAssociation Femmes Initiatives Developpement (French)
AFIDAnti-Fratricide Devices
AFIDAlicia Friedmann Interior Design