Acronym | Definition |
AFID➣Anti-Felon Identification |
AFID➣Affiliate ID |
AFID➣Agency for International Development |
AFID➣Alles fuer Ihren Drucker (German: Everything for Your Printer) |
AFID➣Associação Nacional de Famílias para a Integração da Pessoa Deficiente (Portugese) |
AFID➣Alkali Flame Ionization Detector |
AFID➣American Institute of Floral Designers |
AFID➣Anti-Fratricide Identification Device |
AFID➣Association of Freelance Internet Designers |
AFID➣Amt für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung |
AFID➣Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry (Rawalpindi, Pakistan) |
AFID➣Association of Franchise and Independent Distributors |
AFID➣A Friend In Deed (electronic alarm and emergency response system) |
AFID➣Agentur Für Immobilien Dienste (German) |
AFID➣Autonomous Fabric Identifier (Cisco) |
AFID➣Anatolian Federated Islamic State |
AFID➣Armed Forces Identification Card |
AFID➣Anarkistføderationen I Danmark (Dansh: Anarchist Federation of Denmark) |
AFID➣Apparatus Field Inspection Duty (FDNY) |
AFID➣Arizona Foreign Investment Directory |
AFID➣Advanced Frontiers in Drug Design, Discovery, Development and Delivery |
AFID➣Associació de Funcionaris Interins Docent |
AFID➣Australian Film Institute Distribution |
AFID➣Association Femmes Initiatives Developpement (French) |
AFID➣Anti-Fratricide Devices |
AFID➣Alicia Friedmann Interior Design |