

单词 tissue culture

tissue culture

tissue culture

n.1. The technique or process of maintaining or cultivating cells or tissues derived from a living organism in a culture medium.2. A culture of cells or tissue grown by this technique or process.

tissue culture

n 1. (Biology) the growth of small pieces of animal or plant tissue in a sterile controlled medium 2. (Biology) the tissue produced as a result of this process

tis′sue cul`ture

n. 1. the technique or process of growing living tissue in a prepared medium. 2. the tissue so cultured. [1920–25]

tissue culture

tissue culture,

the propagation of plants through the placement of small amounts of undifferentiated tissue or single cells in an artificial environment. The tissue is placed in a nutrient medium that favors the production of roots and shoots, and is later planted normally. By using tissue culture, the favorable qualities of plants can be precisely controlled, so that each plant is identical for the particular quality being sought, whether it be disease resistance or plant chemical production. In 2012 the technique was reported to have been used by Russian scientists to grow plants from Siberian campion fruits dated at 31,800 years old.

Tissue Culture


explantation, in biology, a method of keeping cells, tissues, or small organs (or parts thereof) alive after being isolated from the body (human, animal, or plant).

The first successful attempts at tissue culture were made in 1907 by the American scientist R. Harrison, who placed a piece of the rudimentary nervous system of a frog embryo in a drop of lymph. The cells survived several weeks and developed nerve fibers. The method was perfected by the French scientist A. Carrel, the American M. Burrows, and the Russian scientist A. A. Maksimov, who used blood plasma or extract from embryonic tissue as the medium.

The main prerequisite for successful tissue culture is the strict maintenance of sterility. The cultivation of pieces of organs has clarified a number of questions of histogenesis and the genetic relations between tissues (N. G. Khlopin, 1940) and the sensitivity of tissues to various factors.

The development of the method of tissue culture took an important new turn with the discovery that a cell suspension could be cultivated when obtained from any tissue under the influence of the proteolytic enzyme trypsin, which dissolves intercellular substance. A synthetic liquid nutrient medium containing physiological solution, 12 amino acids, vitamins, glucose, and (as a rule) blood serum (2-10 percent) is used for such cell cultures. Penicillin and streptomycin must be added to the medium.

A variety of vessels can be used for tissue culture, depending on the purpose. These include depression slides (for hanging-drop cultures), bottles, test tubes, separating flasks, and fermentation tubes. The cells of the suspension cling to the vessel walls (stationary monolayer cultures) or remain suspended in spinning vessels (suspension cultures).

A medium consisting of agar or gelatin and physiological saline (with the additives mentioned) is used for organ cultures. Organs are sometimes cultured on the surface of the vitelline membrane of a hen’s egg or on a porous plastic filter called a float.

Cell cultures are divided into three categories, according to the extent to which they adapt to existence outside the organism: (1) primary cultures, which can be obtained from almost any organ but survive only 20–30 days, even with a systematic change of medium (passage); (2) diploid strains, obtained under special conditions from human and animal embryonic tissues, characterized by stability of biological properties (specifically, constancy of the diploid chromosomal set), and surviving unchanged for ten or 12 months (50 passages); and (3) transplantable (stable) strains, completely adapted to existence outside the organism, obtained from normal and malignant tissues, and reproducing indefinitely. Cells of different cultures differ morphologically. In primary cultures, a distinction is made, according to origin, between fibroblastlike and epithelioid cells.

Cell cultures are excellent for studying the effects of physical, chemical, and biological factors on the cell, and they are particularly important in virology. Since certain groups of viruses cause specific harm in cell cultures, the cultures can be used to identify the viruses. Cell cultures can also be used as a substrate for live antiviral vaccines. A number of general biological problems can be studied in tissue culture: the interrelations between cells and tissues, cellular differentiation, the laws of mitosis, and the transformation of normal cells into malignant ones. Organ culture is widely used to study the patterns of embryonic development under normal and experimentally altered conditions. Organs from animals of different ages and sexes can be cultured together.


Paul, J. Kul’tura kletok i tkani. Moscow, 1963. (Translated from English.)
Zalkind, S. la. Zhizn’ ν probirke. Moscow, 1967.
Cells and Tissues in Culture, vol. 1. Edited by E. N. Willmer. London-New York, 1965.


tissue culture

[′tish·ü ‚kəl·chər] (cell and molecular biology) Growth of tissue cells in artificial media.

tissue culture


 [kul´cher] 1. the propagation of microorganisms or of living tissue cells in special media conducive to their growth.2. to induce such propagation.3. the product of such propagation.4. the shared values, beliefs, and practices of a particular group of people, which are transmitted from one generation to the next and are identified as patterns that guide the thinking and action of the group members. adj., adj cul´tural.cell culture the maintenance or growth of animal cells in vitro, or a culture of such cells.blood culture microbiologic examination of a blood sample to check for presence of microorganisms.continuous flow culture the cultivation of bacteria in a continuous flow of fresh medium to maintain bacterial growth in logarithmic phase.enrichment culture one grown on a medium, usually liquid, that has been supplemented to encourage the growth of a given type of organism.hanging-drop culture a culture in which the material to be cultivated is inoculated into a drop of fluid attached to a coverglass inverted over a hollow slide.primary culture a cell or tissue culture made by direct transfer from a natural source to an artificial medium.selective culture one grown on a medium, usually solid, that has been supplemented to encourage the growth of a single species of microorganism. It may also include substances that inhibit the growth of other species.shake culture a culture made by inoculating warm liquid agar culture medium in a tube and shaking to distribute contents evenly. Incubation of the resolidified culture allows the development of separated colonies; especially adaptable to obligate anaerobes.slant culture one made on the surface of solidified medium in a tube which has been tilted to provide a greater surface area for growth.culture-specific syndrome folk illnesses that are unique to a particular culture or geographical area. Each illness has a cluster of symptoms, signs, and behavioral changes that are recognized by members of the culture; usually, they also have a range of symbolic meanings and culturally agreed-upon treatments. Anorexia nervosa and Type A behavior pattern are examples of syndromes specific to industrialized cultures.stab culture a culture into which the organisms are introduced by thrusting a needle deep into the medium.streak culture a culture in which the surface of a solid medium is inoculated by drawing across it, in a zig-zag fashion, a wire inoculating loop carrying the inoculum.suspension culture a culture in which cells multiply while suspended in a suitable medium.tissue culture the maintaining or growing of tissue, organ primordia, or the whole or part of an organ in vitro so as to preserve its architecture and function.type culture a culture of a species of microorganism usually maintained in a central collection of type cultures.

tis·sue cul·ture

the maintenance of live tissue after removal from the body, by placing in a vessel with a sterile nutritive medium.

tissue culture

n.1. The technique or process of maintaining or cultivating cells or tissues derived from a living organism in a culture medium.2. A culture of cells or tissue grown by this technique or process.

tis·sue cul·ture

(tish'ū kŭl'chŭr) The maintenance of live tissue after removal from the body, by placing in a vessel with a sterile nutritive medium.

tissue culture

The artificial growth of sheets of human tissue in the laboratory. Tumour cells are readily cultured and some appear to be immortal. These are widely used for laboratory purposes. Normal skin cells (keratinocytes) can be cultured and used for grafting in the same person. Three-layered arteries have been grown as have sheets of urethral endothelium for purposes of urethral reconstitution in hypospadias. It has even been possible to grow a new ear around a mould of polymer mesh.

tissue culture

a technique in which individual cells grow and divide in a bath of sterile, nutritive fluid which often contains hormones and growth substances. The method is used extensively in biological laboratories, for example in cancer research (see HELA CELLS), plant breeding and routine analysis of chromosome KARYOTYPES. see AMNIOCENTESIS.
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