Trager bodywork
A structural integration system developed by an American physician, Milton Trager, which is intended to enhance the interaction between the body and mind, reawakening a sense of “playfulness” in the client. Tragerwork releases deleterious, so-called “holding patterns” allegedly found in muscles through gentle, rocking massage.Tragerwork therapists use their hands and minds to communicate feelings of lightness and freedom (i.e., “playfulness”) to the client; the aided movement is followed by lessons in mentastics (mental gymnastics) involving dance-like movements, which enhances a sensation of lightness.
Tragering is said to be useful for asthma, autism, depression, emphysema, hypertension, low back pain, migraines, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, polio, neuromuscular diseases, pain, poor posture, sciatica and sports injuries; it is also used to enhance athletic performance by increasing flexibility, mental control, responsiveness and conservation of energy in movement.