step-down therapy

step-down therapy

A staged reduction in the dosing and agents used to manage hypertension; the “steps” begin with thiazide diuretics, beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors for patients with mild hypertension (diastolic BP < 100-mm Hg), to hydralazine, prazosine, minoxidil, guanethidine or furosemide for severe hypertension (diastolic BP > 120-mm Hg).

step-down therapy

Cardiology A staged reduction in the doses and agents used to manage HTN; the 'steps' begin with thiazide diuretics, β blockers or ACE inhibitors for Pts with mild HTN, diastolic BP < 100 mm Hg, to hydralazine, prazosine, minoxidil, guanethidine or furosemide for severe HTN, diastolic BP > 120 mm Hg. Cf 'Staircase' ventilation.