automatic epilepsy

psy·cho·mo·tor ep·i·lep·sy

attacks with elaborate and multiple sensory, motor, and/or psychic components, the common feature being a clouding or loss of consciousness and amnesia about the event; clinical manifestations may take the form of automatisms; emotional outbursts of temper, anger or show of fear; motor or psychic disturbances; or may be related to any sphere of human activity. Electroencephalographically, the attack is characterized by spike discharges in the temporal lobe, especially in sleep.
See also: procursive epilepsy, visceral epilepsy, uncinate epilepsy.
Synonym(s): automatic epilepsy

automatic epilepsy

Neurology Seizures with elaborate and multiple sensory, motor, and/or psychiatric components Clinical Clouded consciousness, amnesia, complex behaviors–eg, bursts of anger or emotion, anxiety, automatisms EEG Spike discharges in temporal lobe during sleep. See Complex partial seizure.