Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquín

Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquín

(hwäkēn` sōrō`lyä ē bästē`thä), 1863–1923, Spanish painter, b. Valencia. He is noted for his large landscapes in full, glowing sunlight, painted in strong color and in a bold, fluent style. Sorolla's best-known works include Beaching the Boat (Hispanic Society, New York City) and The Swimmers (Metropolitan Mus.).

Sorolla Y Bastida, Joaquín


Born Feb. 27, 1863, in Valencia; died Aug. 10, 1923, in Cercedilla, New Castile. Spanish painter; leading exponent of Spanish impressionism.

Sorolla attended the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts in Valencia; he also studied in Rome and Paris. He became a professor at the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid in 1919. Sorolla’s paintings, which depict the Valencian seacoast and, in a somewhat superficial manner, portray the daily life of fishermen, are noted for their masterful technique, chiaroscuro effects, and coloring. Prominent examples include And They Still Say Fish Is Expensive! (1894) and Drying Raisins (1901, A. S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow).


Pantorba, B. de (J. López Jiménez). La Vida y la obra de Joaquín Sorolla. Madrid, 1953.