


(also Pal’e), a lake in the Karelian ASSR. The area of the lake is 100 sq km and its depths reach 74 m. There is a large island in the center of the lake. Pialozero is fed primarily by snow. The water level fluctuates within 150 cm. The lake freezes in November or December, and the ice breaks up in late April or in May. Since the construction of the Pal’eozero Hydroelectric Power Plant, the Suna River drains into Pialozero via the Pionerskii Canal, which is 7.5 km long. The Niva River (Lake Onega basin) flows out of Pialozero; it is by way of the Niva that the waters of Pialozero pass through Lake Sandal to the Kondopoga Hydroelectric Power Plant.