Advance Payment to Collective Farmers
Advance Payment to Collective Farmers
a type of partial distribution of kolkhoz income, divided into work payments; it was used in the USSR from the establishment of the kolkhozes until the introduction of a guaranteed monthly payment in 1966–68. The final payment was made according to yearly results.
During the initial period of kolkhoz construction, advances, mainly in grain, were granted for all workdays and in money for workdays accrued in the cultivation of industrial crops. As the economy strengthened and the ratio of commodity output to total output grew, the kolkhozes started to grant monetary advances for all workdays. Until 1956 regular advanced payment had been introduced in only a small number of kolkhozes. It became widespread after the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 6, 1956, “On the monthly advanced payment of collective farmers and supplementary work payment in the kolkhozes.” The resolution recommended that kolkhozes grant as monthly advances for workdays, upon the decision of the general meetings of kolkhoz farmers, a significant portion of the monies received from all branches of their economy. With the introduction of guaranteed monthly work payments the advance payment of collective farmers lost its significance.