therapeutic ratio

ther·a·peu·tic ra·ti·o

the ratio of the maximally tolerated dose of a drug to the minimal curative or effective dose; LD50 divided by ED50.

ther·a·peu·tic in·dex

(thār'ă-pyū'tik in'deks) The ratio of LD50 to ED50, used in quantitative comparisons of drugs.
Synonym(s): therapeutic ratio.

therapeutic ratio

The ratio obtained by dividing the effective therapeutic dose by the minimum lethal dose. Synonym: curative ratio

ther·a·peu·tic ra·ti·o

(thār'ă-pyū'tik rā'shē-ō) Ratio of maximally tolerated dose of a drug to the minimal curative or effective dose; LD50 divided by ED50.