the real deal

the real deal

1. A person or thing who is genuinely superior or impressive in some regard and is therefore worthy of appreciation or respect. Boy, that superstar lawyer they brought in is the real deal. She's the one who took down Big Oil in court! Wow, this Corvette is the real deal! I never want to drive another car again!2. The bare truth or facts of a matter. I'm in the middle of writing a book that gives people the real deal on the ties between elected officials and megacorporations.See also: deal, real

the real deal

COMMON If you describe something or someone as the real deal, you mean that they are a genuine and high-quality example of something. I believed our relationship was the real deal. Both groups were hailed as the real deal, punk rockers who hadn't had private school backgrounds.See also: deal, real

the real deal

a thing that is absolutely genuine or authentic; the real thing. informalSee also: deal, real