pulsus bisferiens


 [pul´sus] (L.) pulse.pulsus alter´nans alternating pulse.pulsus bige´minus bigeminal pulse.pulsus bisfe´riens a pulse characterized by two strong systolic peaks separated by a midsystolic dip, most commonly occurring in pure regurgitation" >aortic regurgitation with stenosis.pulsus ce´ler quick pulse.pulsus dif´ferens inequality of the pulse observable at corresponding sites on either side of the body.pulsus paradox´us paradoxical pulse.pulsus par´vus et tar´dus a small hard pulse that rises and falls slowly.pulsus tar´dus slow pulse.

bis·fer·i·ous pulse

an arterial pulse with two strong peaks. Synonym(s): pulsus bisferiens

bis·fer·i·ous pulse

(bis-fer'ē-ŭs pŭls) Having two beats; an arterial pulse with peaks that may be palpable.
Synonym(s): pulsus bisferiens.

pulsus bisferiens

A pulse with a double peak. This is suggestive of a narrowing and leakage of the heart valve at the beginning of the AORTA.