Walvis Bay

Wal·vis Bay

W0023800 (wôl′vĭs) A port of western Namibia, on Walvis Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. Walvis Bay and the surrounding area constituted an exclave of South Africa until passing to Namibia in 1994.

Walvis Bay

(ˈwɔːlvɪs) or

Walfish Bay

n (Placename) a port in Namibia, on the Atlantic: formed an exclave of South Africa, covering an area of 1124 sq km (434 sq miles) with its hinterland, but has been administered by Namibia since 1992; formally returned to Namibia in 1994; chief port of Namibia and rich fishing centre. Pop: 40 849 (2001)

Wal′vis Bay′

(ˈwɔl vɪs)
n. 1. an inlet of the S Atlantic Ocean, on the coast of Namibia, in SW Africa. 2. a seaport on this inlet. 3. an exclave of the Republic of South Africa around this seaport. 42,234; 434 sq. mi. (1124 sq. km).