Vinous-Throated Parrotbill

Vinous-Throated Parrotbill


(Suthora webbiana), a bird of the family Paradoxornithidae of the order Passeriformes. The body is approximately 13 cm in length. The plumage is rufous-brown. The tail is long and graduated. The bird’s range extends across East Asia from the southern Primor’e to Indochina. Allied species are found in Southeast Asia. During the winter the vinous-throated parrotbill wanders in flocks or remains in the proximity of its area of permanent residence. It nests at forest edges or in thickets along shores. The nest, deep and cup-shaped, is placed in shrubs to a height of as much as 2 m. A clutch contains four or five eggs. The diet consists of seeds and insects, which the birds sometimes extract from stems and stalks by crushing them with their short, heavy bills, as if with a pair of nippers.