tear (one's) hair

tear (one's) hair

To be extremely anxious, worried, frustrated, or stressed out about something. We've been tearing our hair trying to figure out what's causing the server outages. The kids have been out of control all morning long—they've got me tearing my hair!See also: hair, tear

tear one's hair (out)

Fig. to be anxious, frustrated, or angry. I was so nervous, I was about to tear my hair. I had better get home. My parents will be tearing their hair out.See also: hair, tear

tear one's hair

Also, tear out one's hair. Be greatly upset or distressed, as in I'm tearing my hair over these errors. This expression alludes to literally tearing out one's hair in a frenzy of grief or anger, a usage dating from a.d. 1000. Today it is generally hyperbolic. See also: hair, tear

tear your ˈhair (out)

(informal) be very worried or angry: Why are you so late home? Your mother and I have been tearing our hair out wondering where you were!See also: hair, tear

tear (one's) hair

To be greatly upset or distressed.See also: hair, tear